Resignation of Rex Bickers

 I was shocked at the resignation of Rex Bickers last week. As many of you know, Rex and I had been working on some projects together for the community. I had been attempting to widen the scope of the foodbanks, while Rex was concentrating his efforts on single mothers. Rex has decided to go back to his original career, making polish for door knobs. And I wish him and Bicker’s Polish good luck.

I first met Rex at a party meeting in Salisbury. He was arguing with a protestor. Rex was very passionate about his beliefs, and I fondly stopping Rex kicking the young man before he lost consciousness. While the emergency services dealt with ‘the accident’ Rex and I went for a drink in the bar.

Over the next six hours or so, we bonded as friends, and, despite starting from opposing views, by the time we were denied service we had aligned our opinions and views and decided to continue our meeting of minds in Hot Sal’s Sauna and Massage.

It was shortly after that I met his lovely wife, Svetlana. I am afraid with Rex’s bust schedule and increasing workload, Svetlana was becoming lonely, and I am ashamed we gave into our basest desires at the house they shared. In the Moat House, Weymouth. In the Premier Inn Stratford. Several times in the Holiday Inn Salisbury and once in my constituency office while the photocopier was being mended.

It was the mark of the man that Rex, when he found out about our tryst, was not angry or upset. He understood the immense strain Svetlana had been under, and our friendship, if anything, grew stronger. His one proviso was that I keep her happy and satisfied. And provide him with video if he was unable to be there in person.

Since then I have stood by my friend; he is a fine example to us all. Yes, there are the usual rumours of financial impropriety, fraud, intimidation, extortion, threatening behaviour, tax evasion, accessory to murder, burglary, shop lifting, assault with a deadly weapon and indecent exposure, but you find me someone with a blemish free record? Everyone has something in their closet. Rex was always diligent about his constituency work. Once every two years he would turn up regular as clockwork, to spend the morning answering his constituents problems. He fought for them and occasionally with them.

But Rex was so much more; he was a humanitarian. I well remember his assistant, Adnan, who Rex had rescued from a life of drudgery on the continent, and offered him the opportunity of working in one of the busiest cities in the world. To see that young man’s eyes light up with the opportunity Rex had given him is something that will stay with me forever. At 23, he had the energy and stamina needed to work in a busy MPs office, and was willing to undertake any duties required of him, as myself and more so Svetlana were to find out.

It was then that Rex’s daughter from his first marriage, Rebecca, fell ill. The long nights on Rex took its’ toll. This personal tragedy had no impact on his work; if anything he was more focussed on his duties both as a Minister and an MP. But the sudden unexpected departure of Adnan, done in letter form, was a crushing blow. When he showed me the letter, he displayed his usual bravado, although I could see he was screaming inside. Now, on top of everything (except Svetlana) he had to find a replacement, else his office would not run as it should. It would not be easy; that lad had literally been his right hand when things got hard.

This was the turning point I believe in his decision to return to the world of business and give up trying to make the world a better place. At this point, a heart had been found which was suitable for transplant. All we knew of this was the young donor was mid 20s’ and had met a gruesome end, ironically in a factory owned by Bicker’s Polish.

The wheel has turned full circle. I shall miss our outings, conversations around the Palace of Westminster and those candid moments, so rare between two straight men in a sauna. I shall miss his expertise and his wit. I shall miss Svetlana too, where ever she has disappeared to. Good luck, Rex.


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